Join us for Round the Bays 2025
We welcome any questions and feedback before end of February, as we would like to have queries and issues fully resolved before the AGM in April.
Please give any feedback through or through any Board member if there is anything you want to discuss.
Every incorporated society has had to review their constitutions, and to submit for approval against new criteria established by the passing of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. An MS Auckland subcommittee has worked through the changes required, a draft of which has been approved by the Board.
Please find here the Draft of our proposed new constitution.
The changes include :
Minor changes (spelling, grammar, formatting, gender neutralisation) have not been identified.
After consideration of feedback, a Final Draft will be presented at the AGM for members to vote.
The proposed resolution for the AGM
That the Final Draft Constitution dated ……2025 be adopted and approved by the members for submission to the Charities Services and Incorporated Societies Register.
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week Round Up from Comedy Night, most popular Webinar, MS Mile and Market, and Video campaign.