Join our wonderful team of generous people who donate their skills, time and energy to MS Auckland

Volunteers play a key role in delivering our support and services to people with MS and their families. You can help as a volunteer supporting in the community, at our events or in our office.

Support Volunteer

Providing support to people with MS and those close to them. The kaupapa is based on

  • the proven value of connecting with others ‘in the same boat’, i.e. shared experience
  • validating experience, so reducing sense of isolation
  • providing lived experience in a positive / balanced lens
  • creating community and connections

Event support

Help out at one of our events throughout the year, such as Awareness Week or Life Buoy. Check out our upcoming events here.

Office work

We’re always glad of extra help in the office. Any level of skills and experience welcome – even if it’s stuffing envelopes at magazine posting time! We would love to hear from you .

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