Have you considered leaving a Legacy in your Will?

Many everyday people like to leave a gift in their Will. The truth is that most gifts are made by ordinary, hardworking people who want to give lasting support to causes that are important in their lives.

You can help support people living with MS, now and in the future, by leaving a gift in your Will (a bequest) to Multiple Sclerosis Auckland Incorporated.

At MS Auckland, we promise to;

  • Carefully use all gifts received to continue providing support for people living with MS.
  • Respect your privacy and will manage your gift sensitively and effectively. If you would like your gift to remain anonymous, we will of course respect your wishes.
  • Respect your right to remove Multiple Sclerosis Auckland from your Will at a later date, regardless of whether you have previously told us about your gift. We understand that individual circumstances may change.

How do I leave a legacy in my Will?

There are many ways you can tailor a bequest to suit your personal circumstances. It is important to discuss options and specific wording with your legal advisor to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly.

Quoting Multiple Sclerosis Auckland’s Charities Services Number (CC10863) in your Will helps the process.

If you already have a Will, then including a gift to Multiple Sclerosis Auckland is simple and quick and done using the following steps.

Ways to leave a Gift in your Will

Percentage Bequest

If you wish to divide your estate among a number of people and/or organisations such as Multiple Sclerosis Auckland, leaving a percentage may suit you. Even 1% or 2% can make a very big difference to people living with MS. The benefit of a percentage bequest is that you don’t have to keep revising your Will to compensate for changes in inflation.

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Residual Bequest

Here you make a gift to Multiple Sclerosis Auckland of what is left over, or a percentage thereof (the residue) in your estate after all expenses and debts have been settled and your loved ones have been provided for.

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Specific Amount Bequest

This is a commonly used form of bequest of a gift of a specified amount to Multiple Sclerosis Auckland. However, because it does not allow for inflation, you may want to review the amount from time to time.

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Personal Property Bequest

This is where a particular item of value (for example stocks or shares, houses, land, property, antiques, jewellery, collectables, works of art or other assets) is gifted to Multiple Sclerosis Auckland.

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Leaving a Legacy Leaflet

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