Skilled Professionals

The Community Advisors are here to listen and learn with an open mind. Drawing on their extensive knowledge, experience, and unique ability to see the bigger picture, they offer thoughtful guidance, helpful resources, and meaningful connections.

Their goal is to support you in achieving the best outcomes—both for today and for what lies ahead.

They are a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to providing non-medical community care and support. While they are not medical practitioners, they work closely with the MS team at Auckland Hospital to ensure seamless care.

Thanks to our supporters, our services are free of charge. 

What Community Advisors Do, and Do Well!

We believe in connection for everyone

MS Auckland run virtual and in-person support groups across Auckland

They are generally held in a café where you can sit and relax amongst a friendly, non-judgmental  group of people who all understand and live with MS or have a close personal connection to MS (partners, children, friends).

Please get in touch before attending, as occasionally timings can change. Find your group here.

You can request a Community Advisor to meet with you at home, at your workplace, at our office or in the community, there is no cost for this service.

The Community Advisors listen and learn without judgement. They are then able to utilise their extensive knowledge, experience and unique helicopter-view to provide salient guidance, resources, referrals and connections to help support the best outcomes at the present times and for what is around the corner.

The Community Advisor team can provide referrals and recommendations to many services, such as WINZ, Taikura Trust (funding), and physiotherapists.

Community Advisors are just a phone call away.

Our helpline, where you’ll get straight through to a Community Advisor is open Monday to Friday, 12pm – 2pm. Call us on 09 845 5921.

If you’d prefer a phone call at a specific time, we’d be happy to arrange that! Just send us an email at,  and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

There is growing evidence about the important role that diet, exercise, sleep and stress play in the management of multiple sclerosis.  The Community Advisor team can help you and your whānau navigate any lifestyle changes which might be fit with your unique situation.

Our Community Advisors are here to help navigate your diagnosis journey with you. 

If you have recently received a multiple sclerosis diagnosis it is normal to feel a wide range of emotions, check out our Newly Diagnosed guides here.

You and those close to you will likely have many questions about MS:

  • How it may affect your life;
  • How it can be treated;
  • And how you can get the support you need right now.

You can live a full life with multiple sclerosis and MS Auckland is here to help you do just that.

MS Auckland is committed to upholding the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and respecting the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights, ensuring your privacy and rights are always protected.  Read our privacy policy here. 

MS Auckland is dedicated to helping families affected by Multiple Sclerosis access the right information, education, and support to live well and positively with MS. If you’d like support from a Community Advisor, and you haven’t already, please complete our referral form—we’re here to help.

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Get in touch with us today!

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