If you have recently received a multiple sclerosis diagnosis it is normal to feel a wide range of emotions. The many myths and misunderstandings about MS don’t help. It can feel overwhelming but if you think your MS diagnosis will prevent you from having a meaningful future, that is not true. You can live a full life with multiple sclerosis and MS Auckland is here to help you do just that.
You and those close to you will likely have many questions about MS: How it may affect your life now and in the future; How it can be treated; And how you can get the support you need right now. We’re here to help you with these questions – and more.
A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is a massive shock and is often overwhelming. Our information and support programme for the first two years following diagnosis puts the person with MS in the driver’s seat for the journey. This includes full assessment and support of possible impact on aspects of day-to-day life, including family, work and leisure; achievable lifestyle changes; referrals to appropriate services; clinical and lifestyle information; and connections with others living full lives with MS.
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with MS, or are under investigation for MS, complete our self-referral form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Explore more information on newly diagnosed
Sally Shaw, Psychologist, joined us for Newly Diagnosed Day, and gave an insightful talk sharing useful strategies on navigating an MS diagnosis.
Annually MS Auckland and the MS Team at Auckland Hospital run a Newly Diagnosed Day. Here are the recorded webinars.